Quince and Orange Blossom Syrup

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of have a couple of insanely talented creatives collaborating with you on capturing the simple things that make life at Oak and Monkey Puzzle all that it is.

I gave up the hustle and bustle of the city 5 years ago for the slightly more measured hustle bustle of raising young children in the country, and whilst it isn’t all syrup making, life here is mighty sweet! But seriously, this little film is a window into the not so unusual things that happen here at Oak and Monkey Puzzle.

My Quince and Orange Blossom Syrup might not be made in the same perfectly beautiful way, think a little more mess and a little less dreaminess ;-) but even so the process of foraging, sourcing and making feels none the less beautiful as life is lived here by the seasons.

A huge thanks goes to one of my favourite image makers, photographer Mark Roper for this beautiful short film, which shows he isn’t just revered for his still photography, and also to the cleverest and loveliest Deborah Kaloper for her styling keen eye and heart warming generosity.

I had the most inspiring day with these two incredible folk. I am eternally grateful xx