My Journey from Oak & Monkey Puzzle to Little Cottage on a Hill

From Oak & Monkey Puzzle to Little Cottage on a Hill: A Journey in Sustainable Living and Landscape Design

My journey from Oak & Monkey Puzzle, a five-acre oasis of creativity and community, in Spargo Creek, to the intimate space of Little Cottage on a Hill, Daylesford,  has been one of transformation and growth. Both properties, though vastly different in scale, have come to embody my evolving philosophy on sustainable living, community connection, and the role of landscape design in nurturing not only the land but also the spirit.

Oak & Monkey Puzzle: A Dream Realised

Oak & Monkey Puzzle was my first foray into creating a space that combined my love for landscape architecture, horticulture, and the beauty of country living. Situated on five acres in the Central Victorian Highlands, this property became much more than just a home. It was a hub where artisans, craftspeople, and creatives gathered to share their skills, collaborate, and inspire one another. The fertile soil and expansive landscape offered endless possibilities for growing, preserving, and teaching.

The property became an evolving hub that sparked dynamic conversations and fostered a deep sense of community. It was a place where creativity flourished, and I had the privilege of nurturing not just the land but also the relationships that grew around it. I learned to live with the seasons, appreciate the beauty of nature’s cycles, and understand the value of sharing these lessons with others.

Oak & Monkey Puzzle became a canvas for all my passions—a place where I could experiment with landscape design, host workshops, and foster a vibrant community. It was a richly layered experience, filled with lessons about what it means to live well, deeply rooted in the land.

The Shift to Little Cottage on a Hill

In 2022, after nearly a decade at Oak & Monkey Puzzle, I found myself reflecting on the lessons I had learned about sustainability, community, and the rhythms of country life. The global pandemic provided the space to reevaluate what was truly important to me. I started thinking about how, with a bit of creativity, beauty, and productivity, one could thrive in much smaller spaces. This shift in perspective led me to Little Cottage on a Hill, a 515-square-meter property nestled in the heart of Daylesford.

Little Cottage On A Hill (above 2022, below 2023)

Little Cottage on a Hill has been a joyful challenge—distilling the expansive, productive gardens of Oak & Monkey Puzzle into a small town block. With the constraints of space, I’ve had to rethink how every garden element could serve multiple purposes, maximising productivity while maintaining a sense of beauty and simplicity.

Reimagining the Productive Garden

The move to Little Cottage on a Hill wasn’t just about scaling down; it was about reimagining what a productive garden could be. Here, orchards have been transformed into espaliers along the boundary fences, verges have become abundant gardens, and the driveway doubles as a multifunctional courtyard. It’s an experiment in how little space one needs to create something that is both functional and beautiful.

By working within the limitations of a small space, I’ve come to appreciate the intricacies of thoughtful design all over again. Every element must work hard—be it the wicking beds that reduce water usage or the espaliered trees that provide both fruit and visual interest. This garden has become a prototype for sustainable living, showing that even the smallest spaces can be highly productive, environmentally conscious, and deeply rewarding.

A New Kind of Community

One of the most unexpected joys of Little Cottage on a Hill has been the connection it has fostered with the local community. The verge gardens, planted with flowers, seasonal vegetables, herbs, medicinal plants and espaliered fruit trees, have become a source of inspiration for neighbours and passersby. People stop to chat as I tend the garden, and in those moments, I’m reminded of the power of gardens to bring people together, even in an urban setting.

The sense of community that I cherished at Oak & Monkey Puzzle has continued to flourish here. It’s proof that beauty and connection can thrive in any environment, regardless of size.

Lessons Learned and Shared

The journey from Oak & Monkey Puzzle to Little Cottage on a Hill has been a lesson in adaptability, creativity, and the importance of living with the land. What I’ve learned through this transition is that a productive garden isn’t defined by its size but by the care and intention with which it is designed. Whether on five acres or 500 square meters, the principles of sustainability, beauty, and community remain the same.

As I continue to experiment with this new space, I’m excited to share the insights and tips I’ve gathered along the way. Little Cottage on a Hill is a living example of how anyone, with a little planning and imagination, can create a garden that nourishes both body and soul. It’s a reminder that no matter the scale, we can all start where we are, use what we have, and do what we can to live well.

Moving from Oak & Monkey Puzzle’s expansive rural property to the intimate yet vibrant Little Cottage on a Hill has reaffirmed my belief that beauty and productivity can flourish anywhere. It’s not about the size of the garden but the heart and intention behind it. Whether you’re working with acres of land or a small backyard, the principles of sustainable living, community connection, and thoughtful design can create spaces that are not only beautiful but deeply nourishing.